R1-Framework for "SMART" Learning Organizations
24. februāris, 2024 pl. 15:00,
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Result 1 (R1) culminated in the development of the KNOWLO Framework, consisting of 7 criteria and 19 subcriteria delineating the principles of SMART Learning Organizations. This outcome stemmed from qualitative research involving a comparison with various models and frameworks, as well as surveys among 265 respondents. The KNOWLO framework integrates elements from EFQM, ULCA framework, and Learn&Lead, and has been implemented in multiple languages. The project partnership completed R1, laying the groundwork for subsequent results. The innovation lies in its focus on three main pillars of educational quality: organizational excellence, teacher/trainer development and management, and student/trainee engagement. The study conducted in collaboration with local research and surveys provided valuable insights into the needs of educators.Knowlo Project # 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 KA220-VET- Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training is funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Union
- ENGLISH_Framework.pdf
- KNOWLO_framework_CZECHIA.pdf
- KNOWLO_framework_ITALIAN.pdf
- KNOWLO_framework_LATVIAN.pdf
- KNOWLO_framework_SLOVAK.pdf