Knowlo Report Presentation at The Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC) & ECER at The University of Glasgow in the UK.
23. augusts, 2023 pl. 13:15,
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The Knowlo Project Coordinator The International College of Cosmetology Presented a Report on The on-going Knowlo project No. 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 which is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union as a part of the dissemination of the project at The Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC) & ECER which is organized by EERA's Emerging Researchers' Group At The University of Glasgow in the UK. The report was compiled and presented by Mudassir Arafat from the International College of Cosmetology Riga Latvia he also participated as Chair. Emerging researchers are uniquely supported to discuss and debate topical and thought-provoking research projects in relation to the ECER themes, trends, and current practices in educational research year after year.
The Network 11 where the Knowlo project Report was presented aims to stimulate scientific research and academic discourse on the definition, structure, implementation, assessment, and impact of educational improvement and quality. Studies related to this network may refer to schools and other formal educational institutions, to supra-national or international organizations, to non-formal educational agencies, and to informal initiatives that promote or affect education.
Knowlo Project # 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 KA220-VET- Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training is funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Union